Terms and conditions of use of the site

  •  Definitions
  • In these Terms and Conditions, the terms defined therein shall have the following meanings:
  • 1. Operator Rukaya Front: 033929597
  • 2. The website - the website https://www.roqaya22.com/
  • 3. The clothes / products - the clothes that appear on the website and are offered for sale.
  • 4. The customer - any surfer or user of the services offered on the site.
  • 5. Delivery address The address which was registered by the customer in the order form as the address for sending orders.
  • 6. The requested date for the delivery of the goods The date which is registered by the customer as the date on which she prefers to receive the goods.
  • 7. The day of the order - the day on which the transaction was approved by the credit company entered by the customer in the order form.
  • 8. Business days do not include Friday, Saturday, holiday eves and the Sabbath.
  • General instructions
  • 1. The titles of the chapters in these regulations are provided for the convenience and orientation of the user of the site and will not be used for the purpose of interpreting the regulations.
  • 2. The site serves as a virtual store for the sale of clothing, shoes, jewelry. And imported household products and is owned and operated by the operator
  • 3. For any question and / or clarification and / or inquiry, you can contact the operator's customer service directly: Phone: 050-5557261; Email Address: roqayamall22@gmail.com
  • 4. The provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall apply to any use made by the Purchaser on the Website and to any purchase made by the Purchaser through the Website, and shall constitute the legal basis for orders and browsing the Website and only regulates the relationship between the Operator and the Purchaser.
  • 5. Every customer who places an order and / or purchase through the website declares that upon performing the transaction, it has read these terms and conditions, and that it agrees to all the provisions and conditions of these terms and conditions, and that it will not have any claim and / or demand and / or A claim against the site and / or the operator and / or any of their managers and / or employees and / or anyone on their behalf, in connection with the provisions and conditions of these regulations.
  • 6. The operator reserves the right to change the regulations from time to time at its sole discretion, without any need to give notice and / or prior notice.
  • 7. The operator's computer records only, regarding the actions performed through the site will constitute prima facie evidence of the correctness of the actions.
  • 8. The product images displayed on the website are for illustration purposes only and do not obligate the operator at all. However, it is agreed and clarified that the operator will do its best to present its customers with as accurate images as possible.
  • 9. It will be clarified and emphasized that the operator does not undertake to keep stock of all the models and / or clothes whose photos appear on the website.
  • 10. The operator does its best to ensure that the information displayed on the site is the most complete and accurate information but it is clarified that inaccuracies or errors may appear in it in good faith and the operator will not bear any responsibility arising from or related to them.
  • 11. All prices on the website appear on the products and are denominated in dollars and the website is intended for currency exchange, if applicable by law, and does not include shipping fees.
  • 12. The operator may update the prices of the products on the website and the delivery rates from time to time and without the need for prior notice. It should be emphasized that the price valid in relation to the order placed by the customer is the price published when she completed the order process (which includes the provision of credit card information). It should be noted that if the prices were updated before the ordering process was completed, the customer will be charged according to the updated prices.
  • 13. The operator may offer promotions, benefits and discounts on the site. The Operator may at any time, in its sole discretion, discontinue these promotions, benefits and discounts, replace or change them, without the need to give any prior notice thereof.
  • Replacement policy
  • If the order is not complete with the size of the item purchased, or for any other reason the order wants to replace it with another item - the order can do so easily and at no cost up to 30 days from the date of delivery. For the replacement, the customer must send the item back to the operator, using the collection sticker attached to the shipment, with the shipping fee at the operator's expense - all so that the customer's purchase is easy, the package the customer receives with the item will have all the instructions needed to return it. From the same order at no cost - up to twice only. Pay attention! For reasons of sterility and maintaining the health of our customers, silicone stickers cannot be returned or replaced.
  • Delivery and shipments
  • 1. The delivery of the products to the buyers is carried out through courier companies within the delivery time promised in the sale.
  • 2. Shipments by courier will be arranged in advance, when buying the product and making a payment, the operator will give the company to prepare the product and send it to the customer. And the company will send an email to the customer when leaving and also when the product arrives at the customer's address (except when talking about delivery to areas defined as remote where the delivery will be delivered within 14 business days). During sale and on holidays delivery to the house may take up to 14 business days. If the customer cancels the shipment after leaving for the courier company and / or the customer refuses to accept the shipment from the courier company, the customer will have to bear a payment of NIS 100 for the courier.
  •  The operator can not take responsibility for delays of the various courier companies, but will be at the customer's disposal in order to try to solve any problem. The possibility of ordering products on the website is limited to areas in accordance with the map of the distribution areas of the Israel Post or the courier company. The operator may - but does not undertake - to provide the service outside the distribution areas, by prior arrangement by telephone. Therefore, even if such an order was received and received on the site's computers, the operator will not be obliged to provide it.
  •  The operator can not take responsibility for delays of the various courier companies, but will be at the customer's disposal in order to try to solve any problem.
  • The possibility of ordering products on the website is limited to areas in accordance with the map of the distribution areas of the Israel Post or the courier company. The operator may - but does not undertake - to provide the service outside the distribution areas, by prior arrangement by telephone. Therefore, even if such an order was received and received on the site's computers, the operator will not be obliged to provide it.
  • In orders with a courier - the courier or the shipping company will arrange delivery to the customer, if the customer requests that the package be left in his agreed place, such as an electrical cabinet, outside his door, the company will not be responsible for the loss or theft of the package.
  • The delivery dates specified in these regulations do not apply to products that are out of stock. 2. The ordered products will be delivered after the purchase process is completed, provided that the order is received within the transaction time range as defined on the requested product page, provided the customer orders a valid credit card that can be charged and cleared in Israel, and provided the credit card company that issued it approved the transaction.
  •  If the customer did not notify the operator within 30 days of the notice sent to the customer whether to send her the product or cancel the contract as stated above or if the customer did not come to pick up the product sent to her a second time, then the customer will be considered the recipient and the product was actually delivered. In this case the operator is not obligated to continue to hold the product for a period exceeding 30 days. In the event that the operator chooses to continue to keep the product for the customer for a period of her discretion, she will be entitled to charge the customer a storage fee for each day the product is stored and also decide at any stage to stop storing the product.
  • responsibility
  • 1. The operator and / or anyone on its behalf will not be responsible or liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or special damage caused to the user and / or the surfer and / or the customer and / or a third party, as a result of use or purchase through the site, not in accordance with the regulations This - whatever the cause of action - including loss of income and / or denial of profit that will be caused for any reason, then the operator reserves the right to cancel the specific order.
  • 2. If a clerical error occurs in the description of the products, this will not obligate the operator and / or anyone on its behalf.
  • 3. The images of the products on the site are for illustration purposes only and there may be differences between the images displayed on the site, some or all of them, and the products actually sold. 2. In any case, the operator and / or anyone on its behalf will not bear any responsibility that exceeds the value of the garment / product purchased, as well as any indirect damage and / or consequential damage.
  • . The operator and / or anyone on its behalf are not responsible for the use made by the customer not in accordance with the manufacturer's and  or operator's instructions, including the performance of laundry and / or any other use of the products.
  •  The operator and / or on its behalf will not be responsible for delays in the delivery of the products as a result of events beyond their control, such as malfunctions, delays, strikes, natural disasters, malfunctions in the computer system or telephone systems that will impair the purchase process or e-mail service malfunctions.
  • The operator will do its best to provide quality products on time. If the customer believes that the products purchased through the website or the services are defective in any way, they are welcome to contact the operator's customer service by phone: 050-5557261 and by email: (soha.shafie@gmail.com), and the operator will make every effort to address the request as early as possible. Given.
  • Privacy Policy
  • To purchase a product, choose a username and personal password, which will accompany the customer in all purchases and / or use of the site. The customer is then asked to provide additional information for the purpose of making the transaction, such as name, address, e-mail address, telephone number and credit card number.
  • . The use and browsing of the website constitutes consent on the part of the customer and the other surfers of the website to all the conditions specified in these regulations. Any submission of information to the site is like the consent of the customer and the surfers on the site to use, discover, disclose and collect the information in accordance with the conditions set forth in these regulations.
  • On certain pages on the site, there may be services that require registration and delivery of personal information such as: name, address, address, ways of contact and e-mail address. These services will be provided only after providing the details in the required fields, as requested. Entering the personal details on the website will be considered as consent on the part of the customer to the delivery of the details and the customer cannot raise an argument and / or a claim against the operator in this matter.
  • The operator takes acceptable precautions in order to maintain, as far as possible, the confidentiality of the information. Every transfer of a credit card number from the site is done in an encrypted manner according to standard. However, in cases beyond its control and / or due to force majeure, the operator will not be liable for any damage of any kind, indirect or direct, caused to the customer and / or anyone on its behalf if this information is lost or used unauthorized, except for direct damage If such damage was caused due to the negligence of the operator.
  • The operator makes an effort to provide the customer with proper and high quality service. The operator implements information security systems and procedures on the site. However, this does not guarantee complete protection of the information provided to the operator through the site. Therefore, the operator does not guarantee that the services offered on the site will be immune from unauthorized access to the operator's computers, damages, breakdowns, malfunctions or failures - including malfunctions in the hardware, software or communication lines to the site - at the operator or its suppliers. locate.
  • The operator uses Taranzilla, a leading credit card clearing and security company in Israel, for the purpose of checking and securing information.
  • Taranzilla meets the strict standards of standards and information security procedures as required by the credit card companies.PCI
  • . The operator undertakes not to use the customer details registered on the site but only for the needs of the site's operation, and in order to enable the execution of the order and the transfer of information to the customer
  • The personal details of each customer will be stored in the operator's database. In accordance with the provisions of the Protection of Privacy
  • Law, 5741-1981, any customer may, at any time, contact the operator and request to review the information concerning it and found in this database.
  • or correct their personal details contained in the database, and the operator will act in accordance with the provisions of the law.
  •  The operator shall, as far as possible, refrain from transmitting data from its database to third parties, and will do so only in the event that express consent has been given to the provision of the information. The operator will provide the personal information if it is obligated to do so by law and / or by a competent authority and for the purpose of performing the services
  • The operator may use the personal data that will be provided on the site and the information it collects about the browsing habits of the customer and the surfers on the site, for the purpose of improving the services offered on the site, contacting (if necessary) or providing statistics to third parties. The information collected in this way is not identifying information. 5. The Operator may, in its sole discretion, change the terms of the Privacy Policy, without prior notice.
  •  Every customer is entitled to ask the operator to delete and / or change and /
  • Delivery and shipments
  • Roqaya Mall supports the option to modify or cancel orders before completing the payment process for it, because it is not included in the processing system, but if payment is made, it can be modified to delete a product or cancel the order permanently within 12 hours, and $3 will be deducted from the customer’s balance “cancellation fees” In the event that cancellation is requested within 24 hours, a $7 “cancellation fee” will be deducted after the competent department confirms the possibility of this
  • Receipt of an order with faulty products. damaged. incomplete
  • In the event of receiving an order that does not match what was requested, or receiving the order with a shortage of some of the required products, or receiving the order with damaged products, the following steps should be followed to evaluate the return:
  • A video clip must be taken during the process of opening the order, because if the request is opened and it turns out that the request is missing one or more products and it appears in the data of roqaya mall that those products have been shipped, roqaya mall does not accept the customer’s request for compensation and it is considered void, and the same is true in the case of receiving products that do not match what was requested Or in the event of damage to the received products, and then the video is sent within less than 12 hours of receiving the request via email ( soha.shafie@gmail.com) with the order number and the order that happened so that your request is evaluated by the relevant department and if the reason is confirmed, compensation will be made According to the status of each request.
  • Roqaya Mall
  • provides the service to its customers according to a clear policy so that once the order is delivered to the shipping company, Ruqaya Mall is not responsible for any compensation In the event that the customer refuses to receive the application or refuses to pay the customs duties incurred on the application, and in that case, the application will be destroyed by the company Shipping is directly due to the inability to deliver to the requested address. (We recommend our valued customers to follow up their orders directly through their accounts and through tracking numbers Which are attached to the orders with the shipping companies to know if any customs fees are imposed on the orders to avoid delaying or damaging them.
  • Delivery and shipments

  • When you are done adding details The customer by adding the phone number and the email The customer receives an email from Ruqayyah Mall that contains a tracking number for his order at the time of shipment and the time of his order reaching his address. Through the tracking number, the customer can know the location of his order.

  • Ruqaya Mall

    is proud of its customer service. We strive to ship orders within four days and this can change depending on operational needs and daily volume. Once we receive your order, we usually start the fulfillment process right away.

    For this reason, any changes must be received within an hour of receiving the order confirmation email. Once you place your order, we will send you an email to let you know that we have received your information and will begin collecting your shipment. The first email you receive will have these details inside, keeping you updated. The second email you receive will indicate that your order is now in transit. The details will be similar to the first set but will include a tracking link that will be updated gradually as it makes its way to you.


    • The time to prepare the product and ship it to customers ranges from 4 to 7 days
    • FREE SHIPPING FOR DEALS OVER 89$ shipping for deals less than 89$is 10.99$
    • Cancellation of the transaction is subject to the terms of the Consumer Protection Act
    •  Roqayah Mall store provides customers with products only inside Israel, with the means of payment using Visa and Israkart. Payment method for sale to the rest of the world is only PayPal
    • The customer must agree to the terms of the site before completing the purchase process
    • Canceling a purchase
      1.  To the extent that you have the right to cancel a purchase in accordance with the terms of product purchase, the site's regulations and/or the Consumer Protection Law 1981, you may send a transaction cancellation notice in one of the following ways:
      •         by e-mail to a postal address(  soha.shafie@gmail.com)
      • In the cancellation notice, please state your full name Order number / invoice and phone number, to identify the transaction and the product data you want to return.
      • Within 14 days the customer can notify the cancellation of the purchase.
      • Contact us
      • roqaya Mall always strives to serve you
      • old akko 
      • Israel
      • soha.shafie@gmail.com
      • 050-5557261